FAQs & Curriculum Help

There are numerous questions that prospective homeschoolers often ask. Here are a few of those Frequently Asked Questions with answers:

Q: Is Pathways Academy accredited?

A: Absolutely not. We are not a public school and are not held to the same requirements that public school is held to. Public schools are accredited in order to insure they are meeting the same standards across the country. Homeschoolers set their own standards and, therefore, teach what we want, how we want, when we want. This is wonderful because it means we can modify each learning experience to each child. No cookie cutter learning styles here!

Q: Will a homeschool diploma hold my child back?

A: No public two-year or four-year institute of higher learning may deny admission to an otherwise qualified student based on the fact that the student attended, graduated from, or is enrolled in a non-public school. 

***Please note that, with all due respect, public school officials are versed in public schools and are not equipped to give advice when it comes to homeschooling. We are here to guide your family through the homeschooling experience. We are educated on the law concerning homeschooling, and what comes after.

Q: Can I homeschool my child?

A: YES! Regardless of your level of education you can homeschool your child. The only pre-requisite is the desire to see your child succeed.

Q: How do I get started?

A: You need to read what the state of Alabama says about schooling your child at home. There are different options to choose from.

Please do not listen to what someone else tells you about what the law requires. Each of us need to have a personal understanding of what is required of us.

Once you have decided your legal avenue it is time to find your curriculum.

Q: How do I know which curriculum to use?

A: I would suggest looking online at several different curriculums designed for homeschoolers.  There are so many to choose from it may seem like an impossible task but hang in there!

It is hard to recommend what will work for your child without knowing your child and what type of learner they are, but there are resources for everything homeschool related.

One excellent resource is Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 Picks. We also have several types of curricula listed at the bottom of this page. 

Most curricula have numerous sample pages for you to view and get a feel of to see if it will work for you and your child.

You may want to come look through our Book Room to view some in person.

Q: What about socialization?

A: Oh, my goodness. The dreaded question homeschoolers get the most! There are so many more opportunities for your child to socialize when they are not behind closed doors 180 days out of the year. Take them to the park, join a co-op, go to the museum, join a service club, sign up to play a sport, or dance, gymnastics, etc. There are more opportunities to socialize than you can possibly attend. Your child will be living and interacting in the real world instead of learning about it in a classroom.

Q: Is it expensive?

A: It can be if you let it. It can also be free if you work at it. Again, there are so many resources available, it is possible to homeschool completely free.

It is also possible to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars each year. It all depends on you.

Q: Why would I use a cover school like Pathways?

A: Pathways requires so little from each family but offers so much. For more about what we offer check out our About Us section on this website.

Q: Who provides the curriculum I use?

A: You do. You decide what you want your child to learn and which book, computer program, etc., you will use. If you end up not liking it you can simply choose something else. Just keep your child interested and learning.

Q: What if homeschooling is not for us?

A: That is the case for some families, and there is no judgement from us. As long as you are doing what is best for your child, we are happy to help you any way we can. For some that is re-enrolling in public school.

The main thing to know is that it is common practice for public schools to test your child to make sure they are performing on the level they should be. Different counties in Alabama do this differently. Some allow individual schools to test your child, while other counties do it through their Board of Education. Either way, Pathways Academy is happy to send a transcript for your child. 

Q: Can my child still play a sport at the public high school?

A: Absolutely and we can help you navigate that.

****For additional information, please see our About US section. ****


Listed below are some companies that offer homeschool curriculum. We would recommend many of these because we have used many of them. However, every student is different so we advise that you look at them yourself and decide which of these will work best for your family. 

If you need more help, we have a pamphlet in the office that discusses different teaching styles and which curriculum would best fit it.



Alpha Omega

Bob Jones University


Calvert School

Christian Light

Christian Liberty Press

Critical Thinking Co


Rod & Staff

Unit Studies:

Five in a Row

Gather ‘Round Homeschool


Magic Forest Academy

Moving Beyond the Page

My Father’s World

Our Star-Spangled Banner Story

Tapestry of Grace

Trail Guide to Learning

Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett

Winter Promise

Charlotte Mason Style:

A Gentle Feast

Ambleside Online

Beautiful Feet Books

Blossom & Root

Five in a Row

Heart of Dakota

Magic Forrest Academy

Queen Homeschool


The Good and the Beautiful

Trail Guide to Learning

Winter Promise

Classical Education:

Classical Conversations

Classical Academic Press

Learning Adventures

Memoria Press

My Father’s World

Tapestry of Grace

Veritas Press

Distance/ Online Learning:

Abeka Distance Learning

Acellus Power Homeschool

Alpha Omega’s Switched-on Schoolhouse

Bob Jones University Distance Learning


Calvert Homeschool

Essentials in Writing/Literature


Liberty Online Academy

Memoria Press

Next Level Homeschool

Oak Meadow

Storyline Online


Supercharged Science


Veritas Press


Ambleside Online

An Old Fashioned Education

Easy Peasy

Discovery K12

Freedom Homeschooling

GuestHollow.com Science

Khan Academy

Little House Kindergarten


Storyline Online


A Journey Through Learning

All About Reading

Answers in Genesis

Apologia Science

Clear Water Press Writing Curricula

Easy Grammar Systems

Geography Matters


Human Body Detectives

Institute For Excellence in Writing

Jump-In-Writing with Sharon Watson

Little Passports

MEL Science

Mystery of History

Notgrass History

Pandia Press

Real Science 4 Kids

Singapore Science

Story of the World


Zeezok Publishing